
July 2024
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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:05 am

Da words? Da facts? Da community? An: At whom da Problem da problem? Da Word o’ da Vinci in da Art? Da Problem?

New York City is too global a community and the Ground Zero of The World Trade Towers is too international a meeting place for the new museum of the attacks of 9/11/01 to live as of truth if such still of the lies of the Clintons as truth - at least.

What d’ heck?  Da!  Yes!  The facts jack!  We cannot still endure a false truths of the lies known and unknown of the Democrats polarized partisan politics of the Clintons’ machinations.

New York City is too global a community for any local, of the international, of a mission in curatory, to endear a parity in any interfaith internationality with any such as the soon to open W.T.C. September 11 Memorial 911 Museum to endure as operational.

As world trade is still stifled and suppressed by the economics of politics so gone Green and the politics of partisan cover-ups for the politics of the Clintons these are days forward of a need to expose a party at war with itself — These are days of a civil war afoot in intra-party Democrat vs. Democrat propositions that two contrary histories can yet coexist.

It is important for this discussion to a default Federalism that we express a positive in an affirmative even of a “Da!” to a: Yes! We can, for the sake of digging down to the truths, find a way not to be distracted by Russia and its Putin and to stay a prudent course to fixing the “community” across The United States of the northern continent of the Americas.

It d’ fact o’ Presidency of Obama that he has compromised his own leadership potential from the start by his selfish desire, so expressed, to be particularly to a politics too self centered as a Politics in a personality based presidency.  While ignoring President Putin, as necessary, while digging to truths for a default federalism, we yet can posit that maybe now he is making the same mistake that the first black President of The United States of the northern continent of the Americas did himself make while working to make it all about himself.

President Obama has gotten “community” so wrong!  President Obama worked a “community” so incompatible with his assertions that all change had to be about his he as about himself and always attributable to his “personality”!  Yet, ’tis the “community” so global & international of an operational for a museum at the new W.T.C., forward, that must curate the intra-party strife between words of the Clintons and words of current and future executives.

A d’ problema in the affecting of office of presidency by Barack Hussein Obama is much as how he has been tagged of lacking a philosophy of governance.  In some ways it isn’t too simple to say it ain’t for it ain’t as it a d’ truth it ’tis that like his right hand hasn’t known what his left has been gesticulating.  He may be more of a tenor to contralto base than the Clintons as of a Sopranos basis and while it resonates that federalism is enduring as of a basis in bass & baritones.

A prolegomena to an understanding of the “politics” of the presidential affectings should soundly preface a predicating tonage that though he may have carried some high notes, and even with a mezzo-soprano limited range of Mrs. Clinton (perhaps), that his tune has been flighty and unstable for lacking a foundation in a “community” bass tunage.  He has some been undermined by his said kept “rivals” — yet firstly he is he that though his personality sufficient to “POP” a new messianic beat/word.

As we now try to ignore President Putin it may be best we here too postpone a consideration that it may be for the record of the history of the first black President of The United States of the northern continent of the Americas that he philosophically and religiously lacked a soul - that he Barack Hussein Obama didn’t have “Soul”!

How bad is it that President Obama has gotten “community” so wrong?  As he is of the tail of Baby Boomers and now of the tale of his Presidency is d’ problem he or his times? is d’ problem he did keep his rivals too close and too instrumental in a discord partisan and cacophony of d’ general politics? is a d’ problem for curations that these times are now even more appropriate for a reset (otherwise) to a default federalism?

Da words? Da facts? Da community? An: At whom da Problem da problem? Da Word o’ da Vinci in da Art? Da Problem?

It must endure with any prudent curatory that there is a high justice to consider about the attacks of 9/11 I & 9/11 II and how the Clintons should be tagged.  It must endure that since the attacks of September 11, 2001 did occur after the eight years of the affectings in presidency of the Clintons by their “executive powers” that the “community” so international need field the keyed in the legends of the before even as a gross negligence culpability for the The Clintons may resonate and carry true globally.

It must endure, however, and however unsettling, as even though of intra-party strife to dividing the Democrats as if in civil war, politically, that the “community” need be united to the known and should be known of the The Clintons as of a implication of themselves respecting the attacks of 9/11 specifically because the attacks didn’t happen during their years as Constituted executive Power.

It must endure that the “community” of the W.T.C. and its museum, and all about the other venues of the historical cacophony from Al Qaeda attacks, however successful in brutality albeit yet unsuccessful in Jihad, are of facts of words of the Clintons, and as some such contrary to the code of the Word of the founders as words the Word too of Leonardo da Vinci, that are not endearing as it holds true that that these attacks after their years do implicate them of a culpability, and, too implicate Middle East leaders of the whence when of a shared conscience in their faith they too acquiesced to a imprudent postponement of a rendering of a thought “Justice”!

We are of days now where there seem to be metered a “New Republicans” ready and already of a needed reset otherwise to a default Federalism, and yet still an entrenched “Old Democrats” yet of some new faces stuck when of times too needing a new harmonic more truthful and innocent than that of these not now taggable as “New Democrats”!  President Obama has hung with the Baby Boomer politics of his era!  That President Obama has been as a tail of the Baby Boomer tale in his politics can only some explain he otherwise of seeming lacking “Soul” in his counter productive new nationalisms.

It should endure that the Democrats since 2007, at least, have led either as Clinton Democrats or Obamacrats to far in a bad economic direction and one that has rendered to much suffering by those of its suffrage exercised while marching the beat of a New Deal Austerity in New Nationalism when the times globally were keyed already for a booming otherwise if to a default Federalism renaissance (also in The United States of the northern continent of the Americas.)!

These now are times, so lately, yet of New Republicans already harmonic of a new beat to “POP” a resilient soul of the Soul of the Constitution.  A d’ fence of d’ fault is that we already are ready for an emergent post-Obama reset to default Federalisms.  These are times of the Governors more than the of the The Washington too Nationalistic discordant trenchant — These are times still since a “New Republicans” like dumped the teas where recovery by Republican endearing truths can keep enduring forward in these years of recovery so now long so more accurately told in tales as by the think and work of Republicans as Governors.

But yet where are a “New Democrats”?  A new bi-partisanship will be needed and yet the “Old Democrats” however “Clinton Democrats” or “Obamacrats” have too long persisted in falsities and of a politics so partisan and stinging as if regular only when regular at throwing salt in those wounds they inflicted upon the “Old Republicans” - of those wounds still so much as by lashings and beatings by Democrats at wielding lies, and lies, and more lies?

Da words? Da facts? Da community? An: At whom da Problem da problem? Da Word o’ da Vinci in da Art? Da Problem?

Da!  Yes!  Qui!  It endures however, unknown so broadly, and now as it need be prudently curated that DA FAULT is D’ Democrats’ as devilish in their lies and to their imprudent New Nationalism and Green Agenda in alarmist scares of GLOBAL WARMING - The fault mostly should be to public stocks for d’ Democrats at least for having gone away from default Federalism when such was the RESET that was needed in the economy of the The United States of the northern continent of the Americas, and, and since 2007.

Yes!  Yes, it is too true that the attacks of 9/11, for having occurred after the years the Clintons were the Executive Powers couple’d, endure in ways that shouldn’t endear any to them as such as having happened afterwards does so implicate both them, and some of Islam, whence then of those Clintons’ years, as Middle East leaders.  It is measurable for curation for even the global community of New York City so international at the W.T.C. that the Middle East has been evolving yet in a default Federalism made their own.

Qui!  The economics forward if to un-stifling the Obamanomics, so of economic suppression for the Green Agenda, as too a New Deal Austerity worked in an also unnecessary New Nationalism, that has been in the wrong direction, too for the The United States, and so all these years while so many elsewhere were already harmonic in a renaissance, yet in the other direction to such more as a New Federalism charge/march, now is behooved if to digging deep enough around 9/11 I & 9/11 II to understand the truth that Al Qaeda seems to have succeeded in attacks yet failed in their JIHAD attempts, and maybe because they were of the waiting (to be explained) in the waiting until after the Clintons were no longer in office!

New York City is too global a community and the Ground Zero of The World Trade Towers is too international a meeting place for the new museum of the attacks of 9/11/01 to live as of truth if such still of the lies of the Clintons as truth - at least.

Da words?  Da facts?  Da community?  An: At whom da Problem da problem?  D’ Problem?  D’ Clintons?  D’ Clintons together? R u of d’ problem if u don’t rise as a citizen to ask too of what President William Jefferson Clinton was of thinking and doing (deciding not to do) in 1993 that like so ticked off Osama Bin Laden of a young Al Qaeda

R u of d’ problem if u don’t rise as a citizen to ask too what President Clinton thought would happen following his seemingly having asked Middle East leaders to like: Please do not blame me and just blame Republicans, and, please do not like attack the United States until after I am no longer in office?

Really! Da words? Da facts? Da community? An: At whom da Problem da problem? Da Word o’ da Vinci in da Art?

Da Problem? D’ fault is that we of the U.S.A. haven’t too already been of march of a charge in NEW FEDERALISM?

DA!  TOO?  DA?  President Vladimir Putin of the The Russian Federation whom years ago countered President Barack Hussein Obama’s seeming wrong direction to “socialism” with an admonition even patriarchal that if he did persist the The United States of the northern continent of the Americas could well fall apart into six separate more regional due to resurgent Federalism?

The fault seems now to be parsed between whom is more to blame the Clinton Democrats or the Obamacrats however of the embrace of the Clintons and as said “rivals” and as so as if independent of the Clintons while of their economic team of said experts and so too much of a politics that was limited by a need to cover-up for the Clintons and too somehow persist as if a success only as made possible by the personality of President Obama!

The fault tags seems so true!  And dangerously as too unknown - not broadly known enough!

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